
For department

The Department of Finance and Credit is found on April 8, 1952 by an act of the State Committee for Art, Culture and Science, which makes it the first financial department in Bulgaria, with over 65 years of experience. As a pioneer in the field of finance in the country, the department has provided high quality education to more than 25 000 students.
The Department represents the spirit and the will of The Benefactor, Dimitar Tsenov, who donated all his wealth for the establishment and the upkeep of a higher Trade School in the town of Svishtov.  
The main goal of the Department of Finance and Credit is the education and development of students, who could later become qualified specialists and managers with broad knowledge and highly competitive skills that allows them to become a part of the financial and banking systems in Bulgaria and the European Union. The education process forms knowledge on important issues of both public and corporate finance, taxes and tax system, budget policy, money and credit, organization and management of banks and the characteristics of the banking system, commercial and central banks operations, foreign exchange markets and transactions, investments, securities transactions, etc.
The graduates of the department have a chance to build a career in brokerage firms, financial and credit institutions, small and medium enterprises, large local and international companies, financial departments of institutional investors (insurance companies, pension and health insurance funds), in the public sector of the economy, as part of the Ministry of Finance, the Customs Agency, the National Revenue Agency, the national controlling bodies, the regional and municipal administrations, the structures of the EU and many others.